If you had a deed poll administered prior to getting married and did not present it to our registration office to change your name on your ID card then you would be required to produce the document together with your…
If you had a deed poll administered prior to getting married and did not present it to our registration office to change your name on your ID card then you would be required to produce the document together with your…
A person who is a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago of the age of eighteen years or upwards is qualified to vote at an election once he/she has resided in that electoral district for at least two (2) months preceding…
Yes, you would be able to renew your national identification card during your visit. However you must visit the Registration Office where you had applied for your present card and where your registration record is lodged. Please note you are…
Election Rule 23(2) of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01 states as follows: “On the application of any political party desirous of using at an election the same symbol for all its candidates at the election (in these…
When you applied to have your ID card replaced you would have sworn to a Statutory Declaration stating your ID card was lost. A new ID card was produced with a new date of issue and as such, you are therefore…
The EBC can assist by doing a home visit in which we would take the photo, signature or thumb-print of your brother. However, his original Birth Certificate (computer generated or polymer printed) and an affidavit if necessary must be produced…
Yes you can apply for a national identification card. However, you must not only provide your Australian birth certificate but also your marriage certificate and divorce decree absolute. Most importantly, you must produce your Certificate of Citizenship or Residence granted…
Identification cards issued by the EBC can either be blue, red or orange in colour based on the citizenship of the registrant. Registration Rule 14 (3) of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01 states: “The print on an…
It must be noted that during an Electoral Registration Period persons wishing to register or regularize their voting status in order to vote at an Elections must be qualified to do so according to the Representation of the People’s Act…
Yes you can apply for your national identification card. However you must provide the legal adoption certificate issued by the Ministry of Legal Affairs which would contain information as to your birth date, country of birth, name and your adoptive…