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Application to Vote as a Special Elector in the 2021 Local Government Bye-Elections

The Elections and Boundaries Commission wishes to advise that it has started processing applications from persons eligible to be treated as Special Electors for the upcoming 2021 Local Government Bye-Elections.

The categories of persons eligible to be considered special electors are listed in the link below for your general information.

Form A-23, the relevant application form, is also included for your ease of applying.

Application to Vote as a Special Elector

Form A-23 Application to vote as special elector

December 14, 2020

Application to vote as a Special Elector in the upcoming 2021 Tobago House of Assembly Elections

The Elections and Boundaries Commission wishes to advise that it has started processing applications from persons eligible to be treated as Special Electors for the upcoming 2021 Tobago House of Assembly Elections.

The categories of persons eligible to be considered special electors are listed in the link below for your general information.

Form A-23, the relevant application form, is also included for your ease of applying.

Form A-23 

Application to vote as a Special Elector


EBC ready for Bye-Elections as Returning Officers get Writs

2020 continues to be a year of firsts as the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) gears up for two, simultaneous elections, the Tobago House of Assembly Elections and the Local Government Bye-elections, both to be conducted on January 25, 2021.

Returning Officers for the Local Government Bye-elections received their writs from Mrs. Roslyn Khan Cummings, Member of the Commission, on Sunday 13th December, 2020. These Writs of Elections, which are issued by Her Excellency, Paula-Mae Weekes, O.R.T.T., gives these Returning Officers the authority to conduct the upcoming elections on behalf of the EBC.

For the full details of this Press Release, please go to this link.

Press Release -EBC ready for Bye-Elections as Returning Officers get Writs

December 13, 2020

Notice of Election for the 2021 Tobago House of Assembly Elections

The Elections and Boundaries Commission is required by law, as laid out in Election Rule 4(1) (a) of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01 to publish in the Gazette and at least one (1) newspaper, the election notices in the form set out as Form No. 35 in the Prescribed Form Rules.

Please find in the following link, the Notices of Election for the upcoming Tobago House of Assembly Elections.

Notice of Election for the 2021 Tobago House of Assembly Elections FINAL

December 11, 2020

Returning Officers get Writs for upcoming THA Elections

With the date for the Tobago House of Assembly Elections having been declared as Monday January 25th 2021, Returning Officers were presented with their respective Writs, giving them the authority to conduct these elections on behalf of the Elections and Boundaries Commission.

Chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC), Mark Ramkerrysingh, in addressing the Returning Officers, reminded them of the importance of their role and the part they play in safeguarding our democracy.

For the story, please see the Press Release in this link

Returning Officers receive writs for THA elections

Invitation for Poll Day Staff for the Upcoming THA Elections

The Elections and Boundaries Commission is looking for persons interested in working as Poll Day Staff for the upcoming Tobago House of Assembly Elections.

Interested persons are invited to apply online at The Elections and Boundaries Commission e-Portal. There will be a limited supply of application forms available at the EBC’s Registration Area Office and Registration Area Sub-Office in Tobago.

The public is advised that only applications from persons who are citizens of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and whose registered address is within the island of Tobago will be considered.

For more information, please see the information flyer in the following link.

Invitation for Poll Day Staff for the Upcoming THA Elections


December 1, 2020

NOTICE – Summary of Return of Election Expenses for the 2020 Parliamentary Elections

Persuant to Section 58 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01, the Elections and Boundaries Commission is required to publish a summary of the return of election expenses in respect of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections.

Any returns or declarations, inclusive of any accompanying documentation sent in to the Chief Election Officer under sections 47, 52 and 53, shall be retained by the Chief Eelction Officer an shall at all reasonable times during the next two years after receipt, be open to inspection under the conditions stated in section 59 of the Representation of the People Act.

CANDIDATES EXPENSES 2020 Parliamentary Elections

October 2, 2020

2020 Parliamentary Election- Submission of Election Expenses

The EBC wishes to remind all political parties that candidates, who contested the August 10th, 2020 Parliamentary Elections, are required to submit their election expenses return within forty-two (42) days after the day, on which the results of the election were declared. These returns include all receipts and related documentation, with respect to expenses incured for the 2020 Parliamentary Elections.

The deadline date for  the submission of the election expenses return is Wednesday 23rd September, 2020.

These are the relevant forms, which are required for the submission of the election expenses return. We have also included a template/specimen guide to assist you when filling out these forms:

Form 3

Form 4

Form 5

Forms 3, 4 and 5 Specimen of Election Expenses submission

All parties are advised that submissions MUST contain one (1) Form 3, one (1) Form 4 and one (1) Form 5 signed by the Election Agent and one (1) Form 5, signed by the Candidate. In the instances where the Candidate was his/her own Election Agent, one (1) Form 5 is all that is required.

August 24, 2020

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