Blog Archives

Be aware of the laws and respect the laws on Election Day

The Elections and Boundaries Commission is advising all political parties, candidates contesting the 2023 Local Government Elections, electors and all other democratic stakeholders to respect the laws or face the consequences. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. We

Posted in Election Notices, General, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Employees’ Time-Off for Voting in the 2023 Local Government Elections

The Elections and Boundaries Commission wishes to bring to the attention of all employers, the provisions relating to Time-Off for Voting as stipulated in law. In accordance with Election Rule 28of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01, every employer

Posted in Election Notices, General, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Voting by Special Electors begins today for 2023 LGE

Voting starts today, Monday 7th August 2023, for persons who have previously applied to be treated as Special Electors for the 2023 Local Government Elections. In accordance with Election Rule 60 (2) a special elector must cast the ballot in

Posted in Election Notices, General, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Additional Special Polling Stations established by the Commission for the 2023 Local Government Elections

Persuant to Election Rule 76 of the Representation of the People Act, Chap. 2:01, additional Special Polling Stations have been established by the Elections and Boundaries Commission to facilitate Special Electors for the Local Government Elections on Monday 14th August,

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Special Polling Stations established by Returning Officers for the 2023 Local Government Elections

The public is advised that Special Polling Stations established by Returning Officers in accordance with Election Rule 73(1) of the Representation ofthe People Act, Chap. 2:01, for the Local Government Elections, will function from Monday 7th to Sunday 13th August,

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Collection of Envelopes by Special Electors for the 2023 Local Government Elections

Persons who applied to be treated as Special Electors for the Local Government Elections on Monday 14th August, 2023 are advised that they can collect their envelopes at the Registration Area Offices as specified on their application forms. Envelopes can

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Be careful of persons falsely claiming to be working for the EBC

The EBC has been made aware that persons, purporting to be working with the Commission have been canvassing in the areas of D’Abadie and La Florissante. These persons have been enquiring from residents if they will be voting and whether

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Posting of the Revised List of Electors

The public is advsied that the Revised List of Electors, in respect of the Local Government Elections of Monday 14th August, 2023 has been posted for inspection at the same two (2) locations, in each polling division where the Preliminary List

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

373 vie for 2023 LGE

373 candidates will be contesting the upcoming Local Government Elections on Monday 14th August, 2023. Ten political parties have put forward candidates with the People’s National Movement being the only political party with candidates in all 141 electoral districts. The

Posted in Election Notices, Electoral Data, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Addresses of the Offices of the Returning Officers of the Local Government Elections, 2023


Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News