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The EBC wishes to advise that section 52 of the Representation of the People Act, Chap. 2:01 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago (the Act) requires the Election Agent of every candidate who contested an election, to submit to

Posted in Election Notices, Featured, Local Government Bye-Elections, Local Government Elections, Media Releases

Press Release – The Preliminary Results for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Elections

The preliminary results of the Local Government Bye-Elections of Monday 17th June 2024 are as follows: ELECTORAL DISTRICTS Lengua/Indian Walk – Autly Granthume – PNM: 1,986 Nicole Gopaul – UNC: 1,394 Peterson Morales – INDEPENDENT: 10 Quinam/Morne Diablo – Anderson

Posted in Featured, Local Government Bye-Elections, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Press Release – Candidates Confirmed for the 2024 Local Government Elections

The candidates for both the Quinam/Morne Diablo Local Government Bye-Election and the Lengua/Indian Walk Local Government Election are now confirmed. Five (5) candidates have submitted their nomination papers. The People’s National Movement (PNM) and the United National Congress (UNC) are

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Nomination Forms for the upcoming 2024 Local Government Bye-Election & Election

Nomination Forms for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Election in the Electoral District of Quinam/Morne Diablo, as well as the Election in the Electoral District of Lengua/Indian Walk: Form-No-37 Form-No-38 Form-No-41 Form-No-42

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Press Release – Returning Officers receive their writs for Local Government Elections

Returning Officers for the electoral districts of Quinam/Morne Diablo and Lengua/Indian Walk received their Writs of Election from Mr. Mark Ramkerrysingh, Chairman on May 10, 2024. These Writs of Elections, which are issued by Her Excellency, Christine Kangaloo, O.R.T.T give

Posted in Featured, Local Government Bye-Elections, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Summary of Return of Election Expenses for the Local Government Elections, 2023

Pursuant to Section 58 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 2:01, the Elections and Boundaries Commission is required to publish a Summary of the Election Expenses Statement in respect of the Local Government Elections, 2023, which can be

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Court dismisses UNC’s election petition in Arima Northeast

Mr. Justice Frank Seepersad has today dismissed the election petition filed against the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) relating to the electoral  district of Arima Northeast and has ordered the Petitioner to pay the costs of the EBC certified fit for Senior and Junior Counsel. Mr. Justice Seepersad, in delivering his judgement found

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Update on Request for check of the results in Arima Northeast

At the end of the check of the final result of the poll in the electoral district of Arima Northeast, Kim Magdalene Garcia, the People’s National Movement’s candidate, received two (2) additional votes. This result overturns the outcome of the

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Fresh elections in Lengua/Indian Walk

Fern Narcis-Scope, the Chief Election Officer, acting in accordance with Election Rule 101(15) of the Representation of the People Act, Chap. 2:01, has certified to the Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Lengua/Indian walk that the second recount, which

Posted in Election Notices, General, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News

Update on Recounts

Today, the results of the recount in the electoral district of Maracas/Santa Margarita were declared and the outcome remained the same as on Election Day, with the PNM’s candidate Trudel Noreiga winning this electoral district. The full contents of the

Posted in Election Notices, General, Local Government Elections, Media Releases, News