Blog Archives

Posting of Revised list of Electors for Local Govt Bye-Elections 2015

FAWLBye Posting of Revised list of Electors

Posted in Election Notices

Nomination Day Reminder for the Local Govt Bye-Elections

Nomination Day Reminder for the Local Govt Bye-Elections, 2015 in the Electoral Districts of Malabar South and Auzonville/Tunapuna FAWLBYE Nomination Day Reminder

Posted in Election Notices

Summary of Return of Election Expenses, Parliamentary Election, 2015

FAWEBC Return of Election Expenses (33cm x7col) A

Posted in Election Notices

Election Notice for the local government bye-elections, in the electoral disctricts of Malabar South and Auzonville/Tunapuna

FAWForm 35 – Local Government Bye- Elections, 2015 (33x7col)

Posted in Election Notices

Application to vote as special electors for the local government bye-elections, 2015 in the electoral districts of Malabar South and Auzonville/Tunapuna

FAW LGBye Application to Vote as a Special Elector 33×4

Posted in Election Notices

Extension of Hours of Poll

Due to inclement weather The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) wishes to inform members of the public that the hours of the poll have been extended by one (1) hour to 7:00 pm in the island of Trinidad. This decision

Posted in Election Notices, Media Releases

List of Election Agents provided by Candidates for the Parliamentary Elections 2015

List of Election Agents provided by Candidates for the Parliamentary Elections 2015

Posted in Election Notices

Collection of Special Envelopes

Collection of Special Envelopes

Posted in Election Notices

Employee Time Off for Voting

Employee Time Off for Voting

Posted in Election Notices

No Cell Phones or Cameras Allowed

No Cell Phones or Cameras Allowed

Posted in Election Notices