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Notice – Temporary Closure of the Registration Area Office for Point Fortin

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) advises that its Registration Area Office for Point Fortin, located at 28 Canaan Road, Point Fortin will be closed on Friday 5th July 2024 from noon to accommodate spraying of the building by the Public Health Department.

Normal operations will resume on Monday 8th July, 2024.

The EBC apologizes for any inconvenience that this temporary closure may cause.

July 5, 2024


The EBC wishes to advise that section 52 of the Representation of the People Act, Chap. 2:01 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago (the Act) requires the Election Agent of every candidate who contested an election, to submit to the Chief Election Officer in respect of the candidate “a statement of all payments made by the Election Agent”. The submission is also required to be made by a candidate who acted as his own election agent. However, by section 39 of the Act, persons who contested a City or Borough election, are not required to file such a return.

The return is required to be submitted within forty-two (42) days after the day on which the result of the election was declared by the Returning Officer. In calculating the period within which the return must be submitted, Saturdays and Sundays are counted, while Public Holidays are excluded. The Elections and Boundaries Commission will advise of the last day by which the return relating to a particular election must be submitted. For the recently concluded Local Government Elections (LGE) 2024, the deadline date is Wednesday 31st July 2024. Completed specimen Forms Nos. 3, 4 and 5, which are to be used in the process, are published here for your guidance.


Any person, other than the Election Agent, who incurs expenses on behalf of a candidate, having been authorised in writing by the Election Agent to do so, is required to submit a return relative to such expenses together with a declaration in Form No. 3 of the Rules. Such return and declaration must be submitted to the Chief Election Officer within twenty-one (21) days after the date of publication of the result of the election.

Form No. 3 [SPECIMEN]

Form 3



The “statement of all payments made by the Election Agent” is made in the form set out as Form No. 4 in the Prescribed Forms Rules of the Act (the Rules), and must be accompanied by all relevant bills and receipts.

Form No. 4 [SPECIMEN]

Form 4



The return being submitted by an Election Agent must be accompanied by a declaration made by him in the Form No. 5 of the Rules. Additionally, each candidate is also required to submit a similar declaration (Form No. 5) at the same time that the return is being submitted by the Election Agent, or within seven (7) days afterwards. However, where the candidate is out of Trinidad and Tobago when the return is submitted, the declaration must be submitted within fourteen (14) days of his return to the country.

Form No. 5 – Declaration by the Candidate [SPECIMEN]

Form No. 5 – Declaration by the Election Agent [SPECIMEN]

Form No. 5 – Declaration by the Candidate acting as His own Election Agent [SPECIMEN]

Form 5

July 4, 2024

Press Release – The Preliminary Results for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Elections

The preliminary results of the Local Government Bye-Elections of Monday 17th June 2024 are as follows:


Lengua/Indian Walk –

Autly Granthume – PNM: 1,986
Nicole Gopaul – UNC: 1,394
Peterson Morales – INDEPENDENT: 10

Quinam/Morne Diablo –

Anderson Nanan – PNM: 976
Sarah Sookdeo – UNC: 2,239

The combined total electorate of the two electoral districts was 16,834. There was a voter turn-out of 40.29% in Lengua/Indian Walk and 38.57% in Quinam/Morne Diablo. In contrast to last year’s Local Government Elections, where voter turn-out was 35.23% in Lengua/Indian Walk and 31.88% in Quinam/Morne Diablo respectively.

There have been no requests for recounts in either electoral district.

EBC Press Release – The Preliminary Results for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Elections

June 18, 2024

Press Release – Candidates Confirmed for the 2024 Local Government Elections

The candidates for both the Quinam/Morne Diablo Local Government Bye-Election and the Lengua/Indian Walk Local Government Election are now confirmed. Five (5) candidates have submitted their nomination papers.

The People’s National Movement (PNM) and the United National Congress (UNC) are the parties participating in these elections. There is also an independent candidate for the Lengua/Indian Walk election.

These are the candidates for each area:
Quinam/Morne Diablo:
– Anderson Nanan (PNM)
– Sarah Sookdeo (UNC)

Lengua/Indian Walk:
– Autly Granthume (PNM)
– Nicole Gopaul (UNC)
– Peterson Morales (Independent)

The number of eligible voters for the Quinam/Morne Diablo bye-election and the Lengua/Indian Walk election are 8,369 and 8,465 respectively in accordance with the Revised List of Electors. The elections will take place on June 17, 2024.


May 24, 2024

Notice – Temporary Closure of the Registration Area Office for Tabaquite/Talparo & Chaguanas

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) advises that its Registration Area Office for Tabaquite / Talparo and Chaguanas, located at 47 Mulchan Seuchan Road, Chaguanas, will be closed on Friday 24th May 2024 from 12:30 pm to accommodate spraying of the building by the Insect Vector Control Division.

Normal operations will resume on Monday 27th May, 2024.

The EBC apologizes for any inconvenience that this temporary closure may cause.

May 22, 2024

Press Release – EBC San Juan Office open after water damage

The Elections and Boundaries Commission wishes to advise that its Registration Area Office for San Juan, located 125 Eastern Main Road Barataria (Corner of Seventh Avenue), will resume normal operations today, Monday 20th May 2024.

We extend our gratitude for the public’s patience and understanding during the period of temporary closure.

Press Release – EBC San Juan Office open after water damage – May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024

Nomination Forms for the upcoming 2024 Local Government Bye-Election & Election

Nomination Forms for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Election in the Electoral District of Quinam/Morne Diablo, as well as the Election in the Electoral District of Lengua/Indian Walk:





May 16, 2024

Press Release – Returning Officers receive their writs for Local Government Elections

Returning Officers for the electoral districts of Quinam/Morne Diablo and Lengua/Indian Walk received their Writs of Election from Mr. Mark Ramkerrysingh, Chairman on May 10, 2024. These Writs of Elections, which are issued by Her Excellency, Christine Kangaloo, O.R.T.T give these Returning Officers the authority to conduct the upcoming elections on behalf of the EBC.

The presentation occurred at the Elections & Boundaries Commission’s Central Electoral Office, Scott House, Port of Spain.

Press Release – Returning Officers receive their writs for Local Government Elections. 10.05.24

May 11, 2024

Press Release – EBC Princes Town Office open after fire damage

The Elections and Boundaries Commission wishes to advise that its Registration Area Office for Princes Town, located at 145 High Street, Princes Town (Corner Naparima Mayaro Road & St. Croix Rd.), will resume normal operations today, Friday 10th May 2024.

We extend our gratitude for the public’s patience and understanding during the period of temporary closure.

Press Release – EBC Princes Town Office open after fire damage – May 10, 2024

May 10, 2024

Press Release – EBC’s San Juan Office closed due to water damage

The Elections and Boundaries Commission advises that its Registration Area Office for San Juan, located at 125 Eastern Main Road Barataria (Corner of Seventh Avenue), will be closed today, Tuesday 30th April 2024 until further advised.

This office closure is necessary due to unexpected water damage caused by a ruptured water line, which resulted in flooding of the office and damage to its ceiling. The office will remain closed while the required preparations are made to guarantee the safety of both EBC staff and the public.

The EBC apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the temporary closure, which is necessary for public health and safety.

Additionally, our Registration Area Office for Princes Town, located at 145 High Street, Princes Town (Corner Naparima Mayaro Road & St. Croix Rd.) remains closed after fire damage as necessary works, testing and checks are still ongoing and should be completed soon.

EBC will provide updates on the repair progress and reopening dates of these offices and expresses appreciation for the public’s patience and support.

Press Release – EBC San Juan Office closed due to water damage – April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024

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