Press Release – The Preliminary Results for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Elections

The preliminary results of the Local Government Bye-Elections of Monday 17th June 2024 are as follows:


Lengua/Indian Walk –

Autly Granthume – PNM: 1,986
Nicole Gopaul – UNC: 1,394
Peterson Morales – INDEPENDENT: 10

Quinam/Morne Diablo –

Anderson Nanan – PNM: 976
Sarah Sookdeo – UNC: 2,239

The combined total electorate of the two electoral districts was 16,834. There was a voter turn-out of 40.29% in Lengua/Indian Walk and 38.57% in Quinam/Morne Diablo. In contrast to last year’s Local Government Elections, where voter turn-out was 35.23% in Lengua/Indian Walk and 31.88% in Quinam/Morne Diablo respectively.

There have been no requests for recounts in either electoral district.

EBC Press Release – The Preliminary Results for the 2024 Local Government Bye-Elections

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