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Collection of “Special Envelopes” for Special Electors starts today

Did you apply to be treated as a Special Elector? If so it’s time to collect your envelope that contains your ballot paper, which you will need to be able to vote.

Simply go to the Registration Area Office you specified for collection, when filling out your application form.  For more information, click on the link below.

Collection of Special Envelopes

November 23, 2019

Distribution of Special Elector Ballot Papers for the 2019 Local Government Elections successfully completed

The Elections and Boundaries Commission, (EBC) wishes to advise all candidates contesting the upcoming Local Government Elections, political parties,  and the general public that in response to a procedural error, new ballot papers have been issued for  use by Special Electors in the December 2, 2019 elections.

Click on the link below for the full Press Release.

EBC Press Release – Distribution of Special Elector Ballot Papers successfully completed

November 22, 2019

Change of Address for the Office of the Returning Officer for the Electoral Districts of Caledonia/Upper Malick and Morvant

The public is hereby advised of a change in the address for the Returning Officer for the Electoral Districts of Caledonia/Upper Malick and Morvant.

The Commission requests that all relevant parties be mindful of this change and apologizes for any inconvenience caused.


NOTICE- Change of Address for Returning Officer

November 18, 2019

Press Release 339 vying for 2019 Local Government Elections


There are three hundred and thirty nine (339) candidates contesting the December 2, 2019 Local Government Elections.


The People’s National Movement (PNM) and the United National Congress (UNC) are the only two political parties which have put forward a full slate of candidates. In addition to the PNM and the UNC, the Congress of the People (COP), the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), Movement for National Development (MND), the Port of Spain Peoples Movement (PPM) and the National Transformation Party (NTP) have advanced candidates in some of the electoral districts. The PPM’s candidates are contesting the twelve electoral districts in the City of Port-of-Spain. The lone candidate for NTP is contesting the electoral district of Calvary, in the Borough of Arima.

For the full Press Release, click on the link below.

Press Release from the EBC – 339 vying for 2019 Local Government Elections



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