Internal Directory Listing


Central Electoral (Head Office)

Scott House

134-138 Frederick Street


PBX: (868) 623-8320; 623-5832; 623-6841; 623-8334 and (868) 625-8992

Fax: 627-7881

HOTLINES: (868) 785-8206 or 785-8211

Office Name Ext./Direct Line
Chairman Mr. Mark Ramkerrysingh 256 (Chairman’s Secretary) or 623-9483
Chief Election Officer (CEO) Mrs. Fern Narcis-Scope 234 (CEO’s Secretary) or 625-8733
Deputy Chief Election Officer (DCEO) Ms. Lena Sahadeo 235 ( DCEO’s Secretary) or 625-9003
Assistant Chief Election Officer (ACEO) Ms. Pamela Ogiste 233 (ACEO’s Secretary) or 627-9825
Senior Legal Officer Vacant 278
Manager, Corporate Communications 283 or 625-5924
Human Resource Officer 228 or 625-9002
Public Relations Officer (PRO) Mrs. Vindra Sookdeo 232 or  625-8994
Network Administrator Mr. Rajindranath Bharrat 265
Database Administrator Ms. Nalini Ali 251
Information Technology Unit 230/270
Accounting Executive I Ms. Nancy Lewis 226 or 624-3462
Internal Audit Mr. Saffraz Karim 282
Supervisor Electoral (Ag.) Mr. Ravi Lochan 238 or 625-3510
Jury Section Mr. Ravi Lochan 253
GIS Manager Mr. Adam Jehu 261
Office Manager (Ag.) Ms. Yolanda Allemaney 255 or 625-7328
Laminating/Processing 243
Registration Supervisor North &Tobago (Ag.) Mrs. Sabita Huggins 246 or 624-3050
Registration Supervisor South Mr. Davenand Dhanpaul 657-2755
Research Officer Ms. Carolyn De Gannes 254 or 623-5832
Training Officer Ms. Sadia Mohammed 247 or 623-2422
Administrative Officer II (Ag.) Mrs. Aruna Mungroo-Sinanan 227 or 623-7655


Internal Directory Listing [Continued]

Office Ext./Direct Line
Finance and Accounts (General Office) 242 or 624-3462
Central Registry 221
Diego Martin Registration Office 225  or 623-7027
Personnel (General Office) 264
Port of Spain/Laventille Registration Office 266 or  623-5149
Stores 224

EBC’s Registration Area Offices Contact Listing


Contact Us

The Corporate Communications Unit

(868) 623-8320 Ext. 283/274  (868) 625-5924

HOTLINES: (868) 785-8206 or 785-8211