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San Juan- Laventille Awareness Day

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Health Fair

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Public Service 5k -21

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Address by the Chairman of the EBC for the Local Government Elections – October 2013

My dear fellow citizens, ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I wish to address you on this the eve of the country’s Local Government Election 2013; our third election for the year. One more to go! Address by the Chairman of

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Chairman’s Remarks to Retuning Officers for Local Government Elections – October 2013

I apologise for taking you away from your busy schedule of pre-election day activities but I thought it appropriate at this time to say a few words to you. On Wednesday 24th July 2013, mere days before the Chaguanas Byelection,

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Chairman’s Remarks to Returning Officers for the Local Government Elections – September 2013

At one stage we in the Commission were at sixes and sevens as to whether the Local Government Election due by 25th October, 2013 would be held by that time, the latest date by which it could be held under

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EBC & Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute Conference

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Address by the Chairman of the EBC for the Parliamentary Elections 2010

Once again it is indeed a great privilege for me in my capacity as Chairman of the Elections and Boundaries Commission to address a few remarks to you on the eve of yet another Parliamentary election in Trinidad and Tobago.

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Chairman’s Address ro Returning Officers on the Occasion of the Distribution of writ of Elections for Parliamentary Elections 2010

I make bold to say that no one in this room would have anticipated that a parliamentary election would have been called two years and six months before it is constitutionally due in 2012. But, such is the uncertainty and

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