Press Release – EBC’s San Juan Office closed due to water damage

The Elections and Boundaries Commission advises that its Registration Area Office for San Juan, located at 125 Eastern Main Road Barataria (Corner of Seventh Avenue), will be closed today, Tuesday 30th April 2024 until further advised.

This office closure is necessary due to unexpected water damage caused by a ruptured water line, which resulted in flooding of the office and damage to its ceiling. The office will remain closed while the required preparations are made to guarantee the safety of both EBC staff and the public.

The EBC apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the temporary closure, which is necessary for public health and safety.

Additionally, our Registration Area Office for Princes Town, located at 145 High Street, Princes Town (Corner Naparima Mayaro Road & St. Croix Rd.) remains closed after fire damage as necessary works, testing and checks are still ongoing and should be completed soon.

EBC will provide updates on the repair progress and reopening dates of these offices and expresses appreciation for the public’s patience and support.

Press Release – EBC San Juan Office closed due to water damage – April 30, 2024

Posted in Featured, Media Releases, News